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A minor girl from Tripura who was trafficked and ‘sold’ in Rajasthan is finally coming back to her home.

The person who bought her, had allegedly told police his wife was missing.

Actually, the girl managed to escape from the clutches of her captors.

He claimed she married the girl.

The girl was kept in a home because she refused to go with him.

After listening to him there, the SDM of Jhunjhunu in Rajasthan directed to re-investigate the matter.

The matter reached the National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights.

The commission asked the Tripura police to confirm the identity of the girl, and the Tripura police did so.

The news was published in the local media.

The Tripura High Court read the news and took a self-motivated public interest litigation.

The court took up the matter on June 18.

Notices were issued to the State Government, National and State Level Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Legal Services Authority, etc.

The court took steps to return the girl to her family.

On June 19, the matter came before the court again.

Then it was known that the girl was ill. She was tested COVID-19 positive.

On July 6, the matter came up again in court.

The court said the minor girl should be brought back to Tripura.

The girl has been separated from the family in unfortunate circumstances.

Within a few months, while separated from the family, the minor became pregnant, and an abortion was performed.

The teenager became a victim of coronavirus.

However, now she is perfectly healthy.

The state government and the Tripura Child Rights Protection Authority are taking steps to bring her back to Tripura and return her to her family as soon as possible.

At one point, doubts were raised as to whether to take the girl back due to financial constraints.

However, in the last affidavit given by the state government, it has been made clear that the mother has expressed her desire to get her daughter back.

This has removed a big obstacle to return the girl to her family.

At the request of the court, the National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights has taken various steps for the welfare of the girl and is trying to get her back to Tripura.

The court requested the state government to take all possible steps to bring the girl back to her family and reunite her with her family as soon as possible.

The Tripura Child Rights Protection Commission will assist the state government in this regard.

This national level commission has assured the court in this regard.

The court said there was no doubt the National Commission would take action.