Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Monday lashed out at the central government over the rising number of coronavirus cases in the country saying that future case studies on failure at Harvard Business School would include the way the COVID-19 pandemic was handled in India.

He also claimed that the future case studies on failure at one of the prestigious management education institute in the world would also include demonetization and the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India.

“Future HBS (Harvard Business School) case studies on failure: 1. COVID-19. 2. Demonetisation. 3. GST implementation,” Gandhi tweeted.


Moreover, the Congress leader also shared a clip along with his tweet which includes portions of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speeches to the nation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

The clip included the Prime Minister’s comment that “the Mahabharata was won in 18 days and the war against coronavirus will take 21 days”.

It also mentioned parts of Modi’s speech on asking the people of the country to clap and clang utensils to laud COVID-19 frontline workers during Janata Curfew and his advice to the Indian citizens to light lamps and diyas as a way of expressing solidarity and resolve in the pandemic crisis.

The clip also showed a graph of rising coronavirus cases, making India the third worst-hit nation in terms of infection count.

According to John Hopkins University tally, India has a total of 6,97,413 coronavirus cases and is now preceded only by Brazil and the US.

The total coronavirus cases in Brazil and the US are 16,03,055 and 28,88,635 respectively.