The entrepreneurs from Meghalaya and BIMSTEC discussed the issue of youth entrepreneurship and the step for re-purposing local development in an online international conference.

International consulting firm IPE Global, Managed Services Operating Partner (MSOP) for Meghalaya State Skills Development Society (MSSDS), Government of Meghalaya, facilitated the virtual international conference on Saturday.

Representatives from various countries that fall under the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) participated in the conference.

The discussion mainly revolved around importance of youth entrepreneurship amidst COVID19, the importance of strengthening the local economy through entrepreneurship opportunities and youth as drivers of entrepreneurial activities in their communities, regions, and countries.

The theme of the conference envisaged to engage panel discussions on how to utilize energy and ideas of our youth to strengthen local economy. ?

The MSOP virtual conference brought international, national and local expertise together to address common challenges.

B Hajong, executive director, MSSDS inaugurated the conference and Dr. Shashi Ranjan Jha, associate director, education, and skills, IPE Global presented the theme.

Abesh Adhikari, managing partner, Lex Jurist, and youth mentor, Nepal, Kokaew Wongphan, independent researcher, Thaksin University, Songkhla, Thailand and Haimanti Sarkar, CEO, Peoples Union of Marginalized Development Organisation (PUMDO), Bangladesh joined the conference.

Soklin Uy, co-founder, Gender and Peace Leadership Network, Cambodia, Tshering D Dorji, assistant financial inclusion and literacy officer, Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan and Aidahun Nongrang, MSOP entrepreneur, Meghalaya also actively joined the virtual conference.

Chit Ko Ko Oo, founder, Myittar Resource Foundation (MRF), Myanmar also participated the conference.

They shared the best practices and case studies of their respective countries.

The event was moderated by Rahul Tejwani, co-founder at Green chutney Films and Kredis, Ahmedabad.

Earlier, Dr. Zulfiqar Sheth (MSOP entrepreneurship lead) welcomed the experts and provided overview of MSOP project.

Hajong during his opening remarks lauded MSOP team for initiating the global conference as it would provide new ideas and exchange of knowledge to help entrepreneurs and youth all over the world.

He reiterated the government’s support and mentorship for helping entrepreneurs.

Regarding the relevance of the conference, Hajong said: “Initiatives like this not only brings best practices in light but also provides opportunity to, explore new ideas, spark collaborations, and deepen connections in support of our work with young entrepreneurs in Meghalaya.”

“Over 200 people participated in the conference from all across the world with some engaging and interactive discussion about youth entrepreneurship from different countries and regions,” Dr. Zulfiqar Sheth, said in a statement.

The major takeaways of the virtual conference include emphasis on technology driven activities, supporting small businesses through buying local products, promoting women-led start-ups, nurturing community volunteers and utilizing opportunities present in agriculture sector.

The need to build cross linkages and strengthen demand supply chain was stressed on the conference.