Representative image. Courtesy: Industry Tap

Owners of travel agencies are reeling under severe hardship due to lack of business because of COVID-19 pandemic.

They are burdened with loans and are unable to pay their EMIs.

While some owners are selling their vehicles, banks have impounded other vehicles in some cases, and owners have even started closing their businesses, according to reports.

Several owners are now forced to sell their vehicles at a much cheaper price.

They are of the view that people in other businesses can revive their work.

But that’s not the case with the travel industry.

They have insurance dues and debts are increasing.

Even if they start their business again, they need another three months to get back on track.

If vehicles do not function properly, they need additional expenditure repairing the same.

Now the travel companies have demanded government aid.

Though a moratorium on loans was announced for the lockdown period, the travel agency owners say it is only a temporary fix.

Even the private travel agencies face threat from big houses like Uber and Ola.

To ease the problems during the crisis, the travel agency industry is demanding government relief measures, including cancelling of interest rates for EMIs, abstaining from collecting road tax, insurance bail-out for a few months and providing vehicle loans with subsidies.