: Ex-CM of Tanintharyi region Daw Lei Lei Maw. Image credit: Irrawaddy
: Ex-CM of Tanintharyi region Daw Lei Lei Maw. Image credit: Irrawaddy

A court in Myanmar on Friday handed a 30-year prison sentence to the former chief minister of Tanintharyi region on bribery and corruption charges.

She was arrested over a year ago.

The anti-corruption commission said that the accused Daw Lei Lei Maw sold her house to the Global Grand Services (GGS) company for 200m kyat.

“This value is well above its market value,” the commission further said.

“She also gave the firm several public contracts in return,” the commission added.

The commission further informed that the accused also gave the F-22 Sunny Construction company 400m kyat, roughly $263,000, just to remove some bushes outside of Dawei airport.

This was done without calling a tender or holding a cabinet meeting.

The Tanintharyi Region Court also sentenced three former GGS employees to prison for a jail period between five and ten years.