Army in Tawang
A view of the review meeting. Image credit - Northeast Now

Tawang Brigade commander Brigadier V.K. Jagtap on Monday said the Indian Army stationed at Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh is taking all precautions to make sure that no soldier is infected with COVID19 virus.

The statement from the army brigadier comes amidst the growing rate of COVID19 cases among security forces.

The brigadier was addressing a review meeting convened by Tawang legislature Tsering Tashi at the Tawang deputy commissioner’s office.

“The soldiers are screened at various locations before they enter Tawang. Moreover, even the fresh vegetable supplies that we receive are being thoroughly sanitized and then distributed to units,” Brigadier Jagtap said.

Brigadier Jagtap further assured of his unit’s full cooperation to the civil administration.

Speaking on the occasion, legislator Tsering Tashi called upon the people to strictly follow the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs on Lockdown 4.0 and said bigger challenges still lying ahead in the fight against COVID19.

“We need to be very careful and bring a lot of changes in our social behaviours,” he said

“We have to strictly monitor the people coming from outside and those are being kept in quarantine facilities or sent to home quarantine,” said Tashi.

Tashi suggested on mobilizing the gaon burahs (village chiefs), ASHAs and Aanganwadi workers to monitor those in home quarantines.

“If there is problem for those economically weak to follow home quarantine guidelines for any reason, the same can be managed by the NGOs,” he said while adding that he is personally ready to help those in need.

The MLA said it is the responsibility of every villager and families of those in home quarantine make sure that their loved ones comply with the guidelines so as to keep everyone safe.

Tashi further said the quarantine facilities in Tawang are among the best ones and extended his appreciation to the district administration for coming up with such arrangements.

He also thanked the hoteliers for giving their hotels for paid quarantine in reasonable rates.

The legislator also appreciated the army for jointly working with the civil administration in medical emergencies and requested them to continue the same.

Tawang deputy commissioner Sang Phuntsok informed the house on the new guidelines on Lockdown 4.0.

The DC said the administration is keeping everyone coming to the district from other states in quarantine facilities irrespective of status.

“The efforts we have made so far to contain COVID19 will fail if only a single positive case infects others in our district. So we all will have to work as COVID warriors,” he said seeking cooperation from all.

Officers from Sashastra Seema Bal, Indo-Tibetan Border Police and representatives from several NGOs of the district also shared their views and ideas for combating the COVID19 pandemic.

Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]