A total of 6, 565 people stranded in different parts of the country have reached Meghalaya so far, deputy chief minister Prestone Tynsong.

A train from Bangalore ferrying 1, 250 stranded citizens from the state will also arrive in Guwahati on May 20, Tynsong informed.

He also said that the state government expressed its gratefulness to all frontline workers upto the DC level for welcoming the returnees into the state, and working so hard and lost their sleep.

Tynsong said that at present, around 7,000 COVID-19 committees in various villages have been formed and the state government thanked these committees right from the district to the block level.

Around 8,000 citizens from various parts of the country, excluding the Northeast, had registered themselves to come back to Meghalaya.

Tynsong had earlier said the government will treat all those citizens who have come from outside the Northeast as people who have arrived from “red-zone” areas.

The deputy chief minister had said this would enable the government to take extra precautions for those who have come from outside the region till their quarantine period is completed.