Indian Airlines flight
Representative image

DoNER minister Jitendra Singh on Saturday said that a final call on the resumption of flight services to Guwahati will be taken by the ministry of home affairs and the ministry of civil aviation very soon.

Dr Singh reviewed the Covid-19 situation of eight Northeastern States through a video conferencing with Chief Secretaries and senior officers.

About the resumption of more number of trains, the minister said, the matter has already been taken up with the Railway Ministry and they have started working on these lines.

In an hour long meeting, representatives from the governments of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura provided their inputs regarding the current scenario with regard to the movements of migrant labourers and others from different parts of the country.

Dr said, one of the priorities of the DoNER in the days to come would be to resume the work of development projects which got held up.

“An attempt would be made to put it on fast track so that the scheduled timelines could be met,” he said.

In this regard, Dr Singh also urged upon all the State Governments to expedite submission of utilization certificates and other relevant documents in order to enable the North Eastern Council and DoNER Ministry to make up for the time lost in the wake of COVID pandemic and lockdown.

Dr Singh said that a mechanism has been put in place to receive the list of passengers from the respective State governments and the ministry of DoNER coordinates with Resident Commissioners and Nodal Officers for smooth processing.

Interestingly, in order to capture the information regarding movement of migrants and facilitate the smooth movement of stranded persons across States, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has developed an online Dashboard – National Migrant Information System (NMIS).

The online portal would maintain a central repository on migrant workers and help in speedy inter-State communication/co-ordination to facilitate their smooth movement to native places.

It has additional advantages like contact tracing, which may be useful in overall COVID-19 response work.

The key data pertaining to the persons migrating has been standardized for uploading such as name, age, mobile no., originating and destination district, date of travel.