Two full-grown leopards have been creating havoc in North Guwahati near the Dirgheshwari Temple, locals informed.

“Since the past few days two leopards have been creating havoc in the area,” a resident informed Northeast Now.

“These leopards come down from the nearby forest and then enter the human habitat areas and prey on the domesticated animals,” the resident added.

“Even I saw them right in front of my eyes,” he added.

The villagers alleged that even though they have complained about the leopard terror to the forest department, the department, however, not taken any action so far.

“Our please and complaints have fallen into the deaf ears,” the villagers alleged.

They also informed that a couple of days when some local reporter went to cover the leopard news, then the two leopards went pass right before their eyes.

“Last week two journalists had come to cover the news when they saw the leopards jump away right before their eyes,” said a resident.

“It not only scared me but scared them as well,” he added.

“This place is quite isolated and due to the lockdown, it has become more deserted. If the forest department doesn’t do something quickly, it will become impossible for us to move out,” he bemoaned.