Lockdown or quarantine
Representative photo. Image credit - www.indiatvnews.com

Much to the relief of the Health department of Assam’s Darrang, the scenario of overall quarantine in the green zone district has improved considerably well in the last couple of days.

On Thursday, the district has recorded only 19 new cases of home isolation while the cumulative figure stood at 734.

This figure of home isolation has been decreasing on each passing day since May 3 last with the figures being recorded as 51, 23, 20 and 19 respectively in the last four days.

Talking to Northeast Now on Thursday, Dr Nirmal Kr Beria, spokes person of the district health department for COVID prevention said, “Till the report compiled on last evening altogether 4163 persons were kept under home isolation and among them 3429 have already completed 28 days period without any symptoms while another 39 have completed the first phase of quarantine period of 14 days leaving 734 in the home isolation waiting for the completion of the quarantine period.”

Similarly the figure of mass quarantine is stated to be even more satisfactory with only two persons being kept under mass quarantine.

“This figure has remained the same for the last three days,” the spokesperson added.

With ten persons being discharged from hospital on May 4 last, the figure of mass quarantine for the first time since the last one and half month has decreased to two from the overall total figure of 75, the figure remaining constant with no entry of any fresh case.

However, the district is not likely to be completely free from mass quarantine cases as one of these cases is of recent inclusion following the Bongaigaon –Sarbhog connection and the other one is a mentally ill lady from Bihar abandoned in the district by anti-social elements.

“Happily enough so far both of them have tested negative,” said Sujata Gogoi, epidemiologist of the district IDSP who has been associated with the quarantine process since its beginning on the third week of March.

During this time, 63 persons of the district  have been suspected with coronavirus exposure and subsequently 334 swab samples were sent for test till Wednesday.

Among these sample 322 have already tested negative and results of remaining 12 is waited till filing of this report.

Each of the ten persons related to Athgaon Kabarsthan were tested maximum of four times while each of another 47 related to Nizamuddin Markaz were tested  twice but all with negative results.

There was a time just after the lockdown declaration when the district recorded nearly 350 new cases of home isolation with sending of 39 samples for COVID 19 test.

Mayukh Goswami is Northeast Now Correspondent in Mangaldai. He can be reached at: [email protected]