Medical supplies to Myanmar.
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India on Tuesday handed over 2 lakh hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) tablets and various other medical supplies to Myanmar to support the latter in its fight against COVID19 pandemic.

The Indian Ambassador to Myanmar, Saurabh Kumar, handed over the medical supplies to the Health and Sports Ministry of Myanmar at Yangon Airport on Tuesday.

India sent 10 medical air compressors, 50 airway trolleys, 60 defibrilators, 20 boxes of surgical gloves, 5 thermal scanners, 200 body bags and 500 numbers of viral transport media.

The other medical supplies that India sent to Myanmar includes 10 biohazard disposable autoclave bags, 120 glucometers, 120 minor surgical sets, 240 instrument drums, 50 refrigerators, 500 syringe pumps, 200 infusion pumps, 200 drip stands, 150 autoclaves and sodium hypochlorite solutions.

“The Government of India stands in solidarity with the people and the Government of Myanmar in the wake of the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare workers, social institutions and volunteers across the world, including those in India and Myanmar, are standing at the forefront in battling the spread of COVID-19,” the Indian Embassy in Myanmar said in a statement.

It also said “the medical supplies are reflective of the united effort needed to combat this disease. The contribution is indicative of the traditionally warm and friendly ties between India and Myanmar, and would augment Myanmar’s determined efforts to fight the pandemic”.