AASU leaders
File image of AASU leaders Samujjal Bhattacharrya (L) and Lurinjyoti Gogoi. Image: Northeast Now

The All Assam Students Union (AASU) has decided to carry out a ten-day statewide relief distribution from Thursday among the poverty stricken and underprivileged people who have been further marginalized during the COVID-19 lockdown.

“The economically backward people like farmers, dailly wage earners, labourers , tea labourers are suffering devoid of essential commodities especially during the second phase of the lockdown. AASU wants to help them,” said Lurinjyoti Gogoi, AASU general secretary while talking to this correspondent.

So far, our activists were working silently with these people without coming into focus, he added.

“We even circulated helpline numbers and delivered medicines based upon prescriptions,” he also said.

When asked, whether AASU is not satisfied with the ongoing government’s relief, Lurinjyoti replied, “Governments is providing relief, but in many places relief is still not reaching the deserving. In some places, allegation of corruption by official have also come into fore. So, we have decided to come openly.”

The relief mission will be extremely organised and include all the areas of the State, he said.

“The regional and branch committees will execute the operation in their local areas,” stated Gogoi, through a press release published on Wednesday from its state head office in Guwahati.

The subsidiary committees are entrusted to select the beneficiary families and distribute the essential relief materials.

However, the committees will have to follow the government guidelines and maintain social distance during their activities.

“The committees will follow the lockdown guidelines. Our committees will take special precautions so that no families suffer during the lockdown period. Moreover, the AASU members will create awareness among the people about the health hazards from coronavirus and how to stay safe during this pandemic,” added the AASU general secretary.