File image of union health minister Harsh Vardhan. Image credit: Hindustan Times
File image of union health minister Harsh Vardhan. Image credit: Hindustan Times

Union health minister Harsh Vardhan held a video conferencing on Tuesday with over 50 Indian industry leaders.

The conferencing was organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

During the conference, he briefed on the various relief measures being undertaken by the Government in response to COVID-19.

While speaking to them, the minister responded to many of the critical issues related to possible supply chain disruptions as well as the problems being experienced by the healthcare sector.

He allayed their concerns with respect to measures being taken for revival of the economy, availability of testing facilities, quarantine facilities, raw materials for Pharmaceutical industry, disease surveillance, use of telemedicine facilities, preventive healthcare etc. during the fight against COVID-19.

“There is always a silver lining to each dark cloud and in the present situation it is necessary to keep the spirits high, so that we can come out of it, victorious like a phoenix,” he said.

“It is one of the darkest episodes in the modern history of the world and mankind has to come out of it and salvage good things from it,” he added.

The health minister exhorted them to keep their spirits high and make the best use of the Make in India opportunities in healthcare posed by COVID so that country comes out more resilient and self-reliant in providing critical health care equipment while dealing potently with the pandemic.

He informed them that the government is deliberating as to “how to resume industrial activities in a phased and safe manner at the earliest.”