Representative image.

The Pakistan government is facing severe criticism for delayed action in containing the spread of coronavirus in the country.

As per reports, the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the country has crossed more than 2400 and the death toll has also reached more than 30.

A large number of initial COVID-19 positive cases in Pakistan have been caused by Shia pilgrims returning from Iran.

After the Shia pilgrims were kept in camps without any screening, the spread of the virus only became more pronounced as the number of COVID-19 cases soared higher in Pakistan.

The Pakistan government also failed to take effective action to shut down mosques, with thousands joining Friday prayers on March 20 and March 27.

The Tablighi Jamaat congregation which was held in the Raiwind area of Lahore from March 11 also contributed to a rise in the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Pakistan.

The five-day religious congregation which ended on March 13 due to ongoing rains was attended by over 2 lakh people.

Although there were demands for the religious congregation to be called off, it was held and a number of people who attended the gathering tested positive for the virus.

Reports suggest the Pakistan government has failed to act on such gatherings or to shut mosques because of fears of a backlash from powerful Islamic organizations.

However, the Pakistan Army has now taken a role to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the country.