United States (US) President Donald Trump on Wednesday expressed doubt over the accuracy of the official number of confirmed coronavirus cases in China.

Referring to a US intelligence report which claims that China had under-reported the total cases and deaths it had suffered, Trump said that the numbers of confirmed coronavirus cases appear to be a ‘little bit on the light side.’

“How do we know if they are accurate? Their numbers seem a bit on the light side,” he said.

Trump also said that the relationship between US and China is a ‘good one’ and that he remains close with Chinese president Xi Jinping.

Republicans in Congress, pointing to a report by Bloomberg citing US intelligence, claimed that China reported fewer cases and deaths due to coronavirus which had first started in Wuhan in December last year.

According to a John Hopkins University tally, China has reported 82, 394 confirmed cases of coronavirus on Thursday.

However, the US has 216, 721 confirmed cases of coronavirus as per the tally.