District Council
Garo Hills Autonomous Council

The Meghalaya BJP has appealed to the NPP-led EC of the Garo Hills Autonomous District Council (GHADC) for the release of pending salaries of the employees of the Council in view of the current lockdown.

The party said the NPP-led EC had sought a loan from the NITI Aayog for an amount of Rs 24 crores to clear at least 6 months pending salaries of the GHADC employees.

The demand from the BJP comes in the backdrop of the nationwide lockdown against Covid–19 and the condition of the employees who have been without salaries for over 24 months now.

“The nationwide lockdown has brought normal life to a standstill and no major work has been taken up by the GHADC at the moment. It would be a positive gesture on the part of NPP and BJP to clear atleast 6 months’ salary to the employees,” said party spokesperson Bernard Marak.

Recently a major amount had been transferred to the GHADC account by the BJP government, but the NPP-led EC despite assurances to the employees, did not discuss the salary matter with the BJP MDCs, he said.

The BJP has 8 members in the 30-member House.

“BJP does not want any employee to face hardship,” added Marak in a press release.