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The Nagaland Joint Christian Forum on Thursday called for prayer on March 22 to seek divine protection from coronavirus.

In an appeal, the forum vice president Rev. N. Paphino urged all the churches across the denominational line to observe a day of prayer and fasting this Sunday and seek God’s intervention and protection.

It also appealed to the denominational head offices to issue precautionary guidelines fitting to their ecclesiastical worship and liturgy.

Appreciating the state government for the precautionary measures taken so far, the forum said, “Along with them, we all must do our part at this crucial and critical situation because prevention is our best defence.

“We cannot just be debating on the lapses, in our inadequacies and our unpreparedness. We all must stand behind each other and give any possible support.”

The forum provided 11 common prayer pointers and said the churches can add more points for the prayer time.

It called to pray for God’s protection for our people and the countries that are hit by the disease and are going through hard and difficult time.

It said pray for our leaders who are in the position of authority that God will give them wisdom to deal with the situation wisely.

Pray for the health and family welfare department, doctors, nurses and caregivers for God’s protection as they prepare for the worse that God will give them the courage and patience in their work and service, it said.

The forum asked to pray for the elderly who are most susceptible to the disease, the children who are out of school that they will stay safe and be protected and the children studying outside of our states and are returning so that they will stay protected.

The other common prayer pointers are pray that we will not act in panic but wisely and follow the precautionary measures diligently.