Northeast Centre
DoNER minister Jitendra Singh

DoNER minister Jitendra Singh on Thursday said the Centre has provided an amount of Rs 53,370 crore for infrastructure and socio and economic development of Northeastern region during the 2019-20 financial year.

He said a total of 548 projects, at present, are at various stages of implementation.

He said that two major schemes are being implemented in North Eastern States by North Eastern Council (NEC).

“Schemes of the NEC and North East Road Sector Development Scheme (NERSDS) are presently under implementation,” said Singh in the Rajya Sabha.

The State Component of outlay of NEC under “Schemes of NEC” is divided between Northeast states based on normative allocation percentage.

This has been decided based on area, population, human development index, road density, percentage of census villages electrified, number of hospital beds per 1000 persons, percentage of households having safe drinking water and completion rate of projects.