File image of Meghalaya health minister A L Hek addressing the State Legislative Assembly

Meghalaya Government announced that all educational institutions in the State will remain closed for an indefinite period from Tuesday.

The state health minister A L Hek in a suo moto statement in the State Legislative Assembly made this announcement on Monday.

Hek said all educational institutions in the State will remain closed from Tuesday till further notice in view of the coronavirus threat globally.

The notification further said that during the closure period, parents are advised to keep their wards away from visiting crowded places like cinema halls, public parks, tourism spots, swimming pools, gymnasium, shopping areas, hospitals or any other centres that are densely populated.

Parents are also advised to keep their wards within their safe environment and avoid contacts with people and ensure proper social distancing.

Notably, the Assam Government has closed all schools, cinema halls and gyms from Monday till March 29 next.

Also read: Coronavirus threat: Assam schools, cinema halls, gyms closed till March 29

Several other states across the country have also taken similar measures to contain the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus.

The Assam State Zoo authority has decided to close the zoo for 10 days.

The divisional forest officer (DFO) of the Assam State Zoo-cum-Botanical Garden, Tejas Mariswamy, has informed that the state zoo will remain closed from March 16 to March 29, 2020.

The similar embargo has also been issued for several national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.

The Kaziranga Wildlife Society (KWS) also urged the Assam government to suspend all tourist entries inside the national parks, sanctuaries and the Assam State Zoo with immediate effect.

Meanwhile, the novel coronavirus has killed more than 6,400 worldwide, according to an estimate from John Hopkins University, which is tracking cases reported by the World Health Organization and additional sources.