Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Image credit - Facebook
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Image credit - Facebook

Facebook has committed to donating 20 million dollars to fight COVID-19 or coronavirus, which has claimed so far 5,604 people across the world.

According to media reports, social networking giant Facebook has worked with the United Nations Foundation (UNF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to start a COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.

Anyone, who is willing to donate for the coronavirus-affected people, can make a donation towards the Solidarity Response Fund.

According to the latest update, the coronavirus or COVID-19 has affected 149 countries and territories around the world and one international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise ship harboured in Yokohama, Japan).

A total of 149,596 confirmed coronavirus cases have been recorded globally, including the highest number of cases (80,824) in China, which is the epicenter of the deadly disease.

China has recorded 3,189 deaths due to coronavirus so far.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a post on the social media platform on Friday said: “Facebook is matching up to $10 million in donations, and 100% of funds will directly support the work to prevent, detect and respond to the outbreak around the world.”

Zuckerberg also said: “We’ll also match $10 million for the CDC Foundation, which will launch a fundraiser in the next few weeks focused on combating the outbreak here in the US.”

Facebook also it is committing to match $20 million in donations, a fraction of its quarterly profit, to support global relief efforts for COVID-19.

Mark Zuckerberg also said Facebook was committing $10 million for the United Nations Foundation (UNF) and World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund and an additional $10 million for the CDC Foundation, which will launch its Facebook Fundraiser in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile, Chinese ride-hailing giant DiDi Chuxing has also announced a $10 million special relief fund for drivers and couriers in its international markets.

Microsoft and Amazon also committed $1 million each to COVID-19 Response Fund.

Google.org and Google employees have also donated over $1 million to support the relief efforts for the coronavirus-affected people across the world.