national award

Eminent mathematician Dr Dilip Kumar Sharma from Assam, has been selected for the prestigious National Awards for Science and Technology Communication 2017.

Dr Sharma will be honoured with cash worth Rs 1 lakh, a citation along with a memento on February 28 in New Delhi.

Currently serving as the Head of the Department of Mathematics in Girijananda Chowdhury Institute of Management and Technology (GIMT), Dr Sharma started his illustrious career as a lecturer in Mathematics at Nowgong College; subsequently working as a faculty in Cotton College, Guwahati.

He retired as Head of the Department of Mathematics from Cotton College.

Dr Sharma was a prolific author and has penned nine popular books on Mathematics in Assamese like Ganitdrasta Ramanujan (1988), Nishnata Ganitajna (1989), Sankhyar Kananat (1992), Euclid aru Jyamiti (1993,2003), Nirupam Ganit (2000,2016), Sankyar Jagatat Batusir (2002,2011), Amitateja Ganitajna (2008), Pracin Bharatat Ganit Carca (2010) and Anupam Ganit (2015).

Apart from that, he has also been credited with the translation of the book on Mathematics written by 12th century mathematician and astronomer Bhaskaracharya from Sanskrit to Assamese.

The book entitled Lilavati, has been published by the Publication Board of Assam in 2005.

He was also the editor of Ganit Bikash, a half-yearly bilingual magazine published by the Assam Academy of Mathematics for quite a few years.