Banana is not only a delicious fruit and has the ability to satisfy most of the nutritional needs of a person but the quality of its peels are also not far behind in providing benefits to human beings.

According to scientific research, banana peels have multiple benefits for skin and hair.

Rubbing banana peels can hydrate skin and also provide a glow to the skin as it contains 85 per cent moisture.

It can help in removing wrinkles and reduce puffiness of eyes.

Banana peels are high in antioxidants and can be used as an ingredient in hair mask to make hair strong, soft and shiny.

Moreover, banana peels also have anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce headache and also provide relief from severe itchiness.

Many organic gardeners also recommend banana peels for using it in gardening as it is a natural fertilizer due to the high nutritional content of the peels.

Once the banana peel decomposes under the soil, the plant will get a high nutritional intake which can help in its healthy growth.