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A Chinese court on Sunday sentenced a man to death for allegedly stabbing two officials at a checkpoint set up to control the spread of the massive coronavirus outbreak.

As per reports, the incident had happened on February 6, 2020.

The 23-year-old accused Ma Jianguo was stopped at a checkpoint at Yunnan’s province Luo Meng village in China.

Another person was accompanying Jianguo in his minivan when he was stopped at the checkpoint.

The court stated that when Jianguo refused to cooperate with an official present at the checkpoint, his companion had started trying to remove the roadblock at the venue.

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However, when the local official present there started filming both of them in his mobile phone, Jianguo angrily stabbed him in the chest and abdomen with a knife that he had carried with him.

He also attacked another official with his knife when he came to help the first official who had been stabbed earlier.

With the deadly coronavirus claiming a large number of human lives in China, many places in the country have imposed several travel restriction and checking measures.

Meanwhile two new positive cases of COVID-19 have been detected in India on Monday.

While one positive case of COVID-19 has been detected in New Delhi, and one has been detected in Telangana.

The person from Delhi has a travel history from Italy, while the one from Telangana has a travel history from Dubai.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare stated that both the patients are stable are being closely monitored as of now.