The three cyclists at Bhergaon in Udalguri district on February 15, 2020. Image: Northeast Now

Three cyclists from Nainital of Uttarakhand are on a expedition, cycling across the country promoting the green vision and mission among the countrymen.

Meet Rishabh Joshi, Pankaj Bisht and Sagar Dewrari, all 21 years old, who have embarked on their mission of ‘Save Earth- Free from pollution’ with their cycles.

“It is our passion for cycling as well as love for mother nature which have made us embark on the tour beginning on November 6, 2019 from Nainital and once we complete the journey we plan to embark on cycling expedition across the globe, ” said Rishabh Joshi.

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“Green protocol is not something to be observed only for programmes, functions and parties,” said Pankaj Bisht.

“It is something that we should imbibe in our lives. It can easily be done if we have the conviction and will,” he added.

“We are grateful to the people of Assam and organizations who have been very encouraging and we will carry with us the warm hospitality , love and affection of the region,” said Sagar Dewrari.

The youths on bicycles crossed Bhergaon and Tangla town in Udalguri district on Saturday receiving overwhelming receptions at several points.

“While starting our journey we targeted to cover 15000 kms in a span of 120 days and in the past 100 days have covered 15000 kms encompassing 23 states and two union territories,” said the youths.

The youths holding bachelors degree also intend to create a record of cyclist covering longest route in Asian continent after completion of their journey.

The youths documenting their journey in social media platforms are also equipped with tents, sleeping bags and some tools and informed that a Nainital based non-governmental organization have provided logistic support to the team and many local hosts have volunteered their food and lodging.

Shajid Khan is Northeast Now Correspondent in Udalguri. He can be reached at: [email protected]