Representative image.

The Joint Committee on Prevention of Illegal Immigrants (JCPI) has reiterated that there should only one cut off year for enforcement of inner line permit (ILP) in Nagaland, including Dimapur.

The JCPI said the cut off year should be December 1, 1963, which is “non-negotiable”.

The committee asked the state government to immediately get into the practical aspects of implementing the ILP with proper standard operating procedure backed by clear cut official notification.

JCPI convener K Ghoketo Chopi and secretary Tia Longchar said this in a statement on Thursday.

The committee also noted that its deadline of January 31, 2020, for submission of the Banuo Commission report on Register of Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland “has been utterly ignored” by the state government.

It said it, along with all tribal apex bodies and leading mass-based civil society organizations, will have a meeting here on February 18 to plan the future course of action in this regard.