Indrajeet Bhuyan is the only Indian hacker to get featured in this documentary.

Indrajeet Bhuyan, a Guwahati based security researcher recently got featured in an International Documentary called Cyber Punkd by Channel NewsAsia, Singapore.

Previously Indrajeet contributed security to companies like Samsung, HTC, Whatsappetc and also trained IT professionals in different government sectors.

His work on cyber security got featured in various national and international news publications.

Indrajeet is the only Indian hacker to get featured in this documentary.

Apart from him, principal secretary to Telangana government was also featured in it.

In this documentary Indrajeet shares his knowledge and work related to cryptojacking.

This documentary, Cyber Punkd also features many other security experts and government bodies from different parts of the world like Russia, Estonia, Singapore, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Pakistan, etc.

Various experts from different global companies like Google, HackerOne and Symantec also share their knowledge in the documentary.

Cyberpunkd is a 2×1 hour infotainment documentary that focuses on cyber vulnerabilities and hacks that affect the everyday person and small-and-medium-enterprises (SMEs).

It aims to encourage cyber vigilance in the everyday person, and attempts to sell cybersecurity as not just about protecting ourselves, but also the people in our network.

This series is hosted by Singapore stand-up comic FakkahFuzz, and aims to be informational and educational in a light-hearted way.

Fuzz meets top cybersecurity practitioners, scholars, and experts from governments, white-hat hackers, black-hat hackers and just regular people who’ve fallen victim, spectacularly, to cyber breaches.

He hosts this fun and insightful documentary series designed to demystify Cybersecurity –a topic often thought to be too technical, or only “for the nerds”.

The show will be full of show-and-tells on how we might be compromised in cyberspace, and how we can better protect ourselves.

This documentary explores Data Security in episode 1 – data breaches, data leaks, data ransom, data dumps, etc., and Systems Security in episode 2 – software vulnerabilities, logic flaws, chip level security vulnerabilities, IoT device vulnerabilities, etc.

In Guwahati, this documentary was shot at Hotel Shoolin Grand and Vantage Circle’s office.

About the documentary Indrajeet says, “Being a security researcher it is our duty to report the flaws that we find but many a times either our voice could not reach the people concerned or mostly gets ignored.

“In this time when internet is everything we cannot afford to ignore security related issues while dealing with digital world. I thank Channel NewsAsia for giving us the opportunity to share the little knowledge that we have with such a big audience worldwide and for making our voices heard. I look forward for such programs in our country too.”

This documentary was aired in 28+ countries worldwide on December 2019.