Tezpur University (TU) observed its 27th Foundation Day on Tuesday with a host of activities.

The event started with hoisting of the University’s flag by the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Vinod Kumar Jain in the presence of other dignitaries and guests.

Later delivering the welcome address, Prof. Jain noted the impressive strides the University has made over the years of its existence.

Highlighting the h-index, which is a metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications indicating the quality of research in an institution, he pointed out that the University has an H-index of 74.

He further said owing to good achievements by the University, it is becoming a coveted destination for students & researchers.

Prof. Ved Prakash, noted academician & former chairperson of the University Grants Commission (UGC) and distinguished guest on the occasion, delivered the first Foundation Day oration.

Speaking on the occasion, he pointed out that universities are entrusted to bring about social change with the aim of promoting ‘oneness for the world’.

“What happens on the campuses is very important. The role & functions of a university cannot be identical. It must differ from each other but at the same time they must offer liberal education,” Prof Prakash said.

He also emphasized the need of having inclusive curricula.

“Our curricula should be inclusive and must include humanism. We should care for nature and values that benefit society,” he mentioned.

On ‘higher education’, the former chairperson of the UGC observed that India needs to provide such education through which the country can compete globally.

On the need for values and ethics in teaching, he made a very thought-provoking statement – “The world loves talent but rewards character”.

Speaking on the occasion, chief guest Kuladhar Saikia, former Director General of Police (DGP) of Assam and president-elect of Asom Sahitya Sabha pointed out that our society is increasingly becoming a society where “trust is the biggest causality”.

“Lack of trust has engulfed us and due to trust deficit perhaps the community bond is also breaking,” the noted litterateur of Assam said.

He also asserted that while virtues such as trust & compassion are not reflected in one’s mark sheet, without these humane values society cannot function.

He concluded his speech by emphasizing the need to ask questions and continue the quest to learn at every stage of life.

The students of the University enthralled the audience with the recitation of Borgeet and Orchestra performance.

The proceedings for the day ended with the vote of thanks delivered by Prof. Debabrata Das, chairperson, organizing committee for the Foundation Day celebrations followed by the national anthem.