Anti-CAA protest scenes in Guwahati. Image: Northeast Now
Anti-CAA protest in Guwahati. Image: Northeast Now

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday blamed Congress for large scale violent protests against the newly enacted Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) In Assam and Northeast.

“Congress and its allies are igniting fire over the CAA. Congress’s actions prove that all decisions taken in Parliament are correct,” said Modi.

The prime minister said this while addressing an election rally for the BJP at Dumka in Jharkhand.

Assam in particular and the Northeast region in general has been witnessing massive protests in the last few days, now Bengal has also joined.

The death toll in protests against the CAA went up to five in Assam amidst massive protests staged by various organisations.

The curfew enforced in Guwahati was relaxed for seven hours on Sunday.

“There’s no hope these people will do good for India or its people, their only concern is family,” Modi added.

The Congress has been very vocal against the Act.

Modi also claimed that his party is committed to bringing the youth away from the path of violence.