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When floods and heavy rains are in the forecast, people tend to scramble to protect their homes. However, they often forget about their vehicles until the damage is caused. Water is extremely harmful to many components of a car, and it can compromise its safety even years after the initial damage faced during floods.

If you also own a car while living in a flood-prone area, buying suitable car insurance online to protect your vehicle is essential. It safeguards your vehicle against the consequences of floods. Also, you must learn how to protect your vehicle during floods and other extreme weather events.

Here are a few tips to protect your car if you are living in a flood-prone area:

Choose A Higher Ground Parking Spot

Your car’s engine is its most crucial part, and waterlogging can cause severe damage to it. Fixing or replacing it is also a costly affair. So, it would be best if you choose a relatively high parking spot to minimize damage from water during floods. This is because water tends to pool in lower-lying regions, which will protect your car from significant damage.

If you live in a place with an underground parking system, make sure you move your car to the ground-level or above-ground parking space whenever there is a risk of flood.

You can also add an engine protection add-on to your car insurance online for additional benefits, especially if you live in areas that face waterlogging problems during monsoons.

Shut It Down When Drowned

If your car gets surrounded by water, make sure you turn it off right away and leave it wherever you are. You cannot tell how deep standing water is or when the water will suddenly rise. Your vehicle could get swept away with you inside in flood conditions.

Do not compromise your safety by driving during a possible flood situation as a foot of standing water can also cause severe damage to your car. In addition to this, waterlogging during floods can let the water enter your car’s cabin, which might damage its interior and upholstery.

To deal with the possible damages during floods, a car insurance policy with adequate coverage comes to your rescue.

Dry It Out Before Use

If your car smells musty or moldy, there’s a good chance it was submerged in water at some point during floods. You can soak up the water by using towels or high-powered fans with a dehumidifier, if possible. Get it dried out as soon as possible to reduce substantial damage and losses before putting it to use again.

If water has reached the bottom of the dashboard, it can affect electrical systems and lead to erratic operation or complete failure of your car. Contact a mechanic and find out if it needs repair work.

Get A Comprehensive Car Insurance Online

Car insurance is a necessity these days due to the increase in the number of accidents on the roads. Knowing that you live in a flood-prone area, it is even more necessary to get your vehicle insured against such significant risks and reduce possible losses. Do everything you can in advance to protect your vehicle against flood damage.

It is better to buy a car insurance policy online as you get various options to compare and can select the most suitable one easily. Reputable insurers such as TATA AIG offer customizable car insurance plans online with add-ons such as depreciation reimbursement, road-side assistance, engine secure, and consumable expenses to take away your financial burden in times of natural calamities. Make sure you choose the right coverage with required riders to protect your car against possible damages in the future.