NEHU VC Prof SK Srivastava
NEHU Vice-Chancellor Prof SK Srivastava. Image credit -

The North Eastern Hill University Teachers’ Association (NEHUTA) has demanded for an inquiry by a high-power committee of the HRD Ministry (MHRD) to probe into all irregularities in NEHU.

In a statement, NEHUTA president Prof Xavier P Mao said the teacher’s body is dismayed over the claim of North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) Vice Chancellor Prof SK Srivastava that he is purveying the truth.

“The NEHUTA feels it necessary to point out that the incumbent VC failed to convene the university court in four years of his tenure,” the NEHUTA said.

The teachers’ body said “it was very unfortunate that the NEHUTA had to put pressure on him for convening the highest constitutional body of the University through a peaceful democratic protest”.

“This clearly shows that he has least respect for the Act, statute, ordinance, rule and regulations of the university, which govern a premier institution like NEHU,” the NEHUTA added.

The NEHUTA alleged that without approval of budget and statement of expenditure by the court of the university, the VC on his own whims, spent public funds.

Also read: Meghalaya: NEHU’s JAC accuses VC of violating statutory provisions

“How one violation led to a cascade of violations of procedures established by law can be seen in VC passing the buck about the condition of quotes below 10% of the total value in a tender for work to the former VC, which only means an admission that he is continuing with a wrong practice.”

“To divert this litany of unstatutory practices, he is citing boycott of the convocation, which the teachers called for only to highlight ‘statutory violations’ by the VC.”

“Minutes of Authorities are never circulated as per mandatory provisions of the statute,” the statement said.

Stating that the NEHUTA is shocked and surprised at the VC’s attempt to blatantly deny all these serious violations, Prof Mao said the VC’s failure to answer an RTI regarding his regular absence from the office speaks for itself.

“The VC’s attempt to divert these issues that are seriously damaging NEHU is reflected in his failure to speak the truth.”

“But his denial of an inquiry establishes all his omission and commission.”

“Let an inquiry by a high power committee of the MHRD look into all these illegalities and irregularities to establish the truth by itself,” the NEHUTA demanded.