Chairman of Board of Secondary Education, Manipur, Th Kiran Kumar inspecting the textbooks preparations. Image: DIPR, Manipur

The state authority is taking up all out efforts to complete the printing of textbooks for Class I-X by the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur (BOSEM) before the commencement of new academic sessions 2019 – 2020.

Chairman Th Kirankumar of BOSEM speaking at his office chamber in Imphal stated that the printing of textbooks for the new academic sessions is nearing completion for almost all subjects of class I-X under the strict instructions from the education minister Thokchom Radheshyam.

Stating that efforts are on in full swing so that the students could avail the books on time, Kirankumar who is also the director of Education(S) explained that in order to achieve the target of availing textbooks timely, certain rules and regulations followed by BOSEM for buying of paper and issuances of order for printing to the firms were slightly modified.

This year the quantity of order for printing of textbooks was decided according to the performance of the printing firms in the previous years.

Thus the printing of textbooks are carried out in different local printing firms.

More quantity orders for printing textbooks were given to the selected printing firms having good records for meeting the deadline, maintaining quality of paper for the textsbooks printed and the capacity of the printing press.

Prior to the issuance of order for printing textbooks the official team of BOSEM made field verification to the printing firms.

Next year too more order will be given to those firms which maintained quality of printing textbooks, according to BOSEM chairperson.

Expressing that the failure of timely availability of textbooks printed by BOSEM before the commencement of new academic session has been a problem, he admitted that, however, efforts are on to lessen the issue of non-availability of textbooks this time.

In all, 88 textbooks for classes I – including 48 for classes I–VIII and 40 for classes IX–X are printed by BOSEM.

The textbooks to be distributed free of cost to the government schools under the Department of Education (S) will also be made available before the commencement of the academic session.