Naga leaders with RN Ravi
Naga leaders including NSCN(IM) general secretary Th. Muivah and Naga peace talks interloctore RN Ravi. Image credit - Twitter

The NSCN (I-M) on Thursday said the organisation and the government of India had mutually agreed to go for final touch on the agreed competencies for conclusion of the Naga talks.

The outfit said it has taken into account the commitment and assurance of the Centre to resolve the issues of Naga national flag and constitution at the earliest.

The outfit has issued a declaration after the last round of formal talks with the Centre in New Delhi on October 31.

When the government of India is prepared to make the final agreement with the NSCN on the basis of the Framework Agreement, all Nagas should also be equally prepared, it said.

The outfit, with open heart, appealed and invited “all our brothers and sisters in different groups” to get on board the bus of Framework Agreement and be a part of the final solution in the greater interests of the people and peace and progress in the land.

The NSCN (IM) also reiterated its stand that it has forgiven the past mistakes of “our brothers and sisters in different camps” and added that they should also forgive “our past mistakes” and be reconciled in the gracious name of Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

It appealed that this message of peace and unity among the Nagas be acceptable to all of them far and near.

Saying that unity for the historic tasks ahead is indispensable, the statement said now is the time for the Nagas to unite to move forward to the new era, build a land of milk and honey and build a people together that trust in the Lord.

Recalling the scripture “There is a time of war, and a time of peace; a time to rend, and a time to sew,”, the declaration said the Nagas had faced many bitterest war situations where they were made to fight back against enemies of all hues in defence of their national future.

“The demon of war had terribly devastated the Naga families, societies, homes, villages, towns and their country to a great extent.

The Nagas are, in fact, the innocent victims of this demon of war, a war that was born of the aggressors’ brain,” it said.

The declaration added: “However, the good Lord heard the cries of the oppressed Naga people and answered their prayers, which touched the stony hearts of the Indian leaders.

It said both the Indian army generals and political leaders finally admitted that the Indo-Naga problem is political, not military.

“Indeed, the gracious Lord opened the door of peace and negotiations for solution,” it said.

The declaration recalled the government of India and the NSCN embarked upon political negotiations in 1997.

It said the two parties, after series of intensive negotiations, had ultimately signed the historic Framework Agreement on August 3, 2015 based on the recognised unique history of the Nagas.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]