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After parents’ raised privacy concerns of their children, authorities in China have decided to halt the use of a head-mounted device, which was introduced for monitoring children’s attention spans.

“The device monitors brainwaves and sent data to the computer system at Xiaoshun Central Primary School in Jinhua City, Zhejiang province, and some data was shared with parents,” reported Beijing News.

“The experiment has been on for a year and the data was also transferred to a company server,” the newspaper further reported quoting a local teacher.

The news report further claimed that students did not report of any side effects from the device and also that the complete data was not shared with parents.

The U-shaped device has been developed by BrainCo, a US-based company in association with a Chinese partner company Zhejiang BrainCo Technology Co Ltd.

The children wore the device twice a week for 30 minutes.