Peace accord between NSCN and GOI
Prime Minister Narendra Modi witnessing the exchange of Naga Framework Agreement between Government of India & NSCN(IM) in New Delhi. File photo

The latest round of formal talks between the Centre and the NSCN (IM) in Delhi on Thursday ended on a stormy note.

According to reports, there were heated arguments between the two sides over inclusion of Naga flag and constitution in the final agreement on resolving the decades-old Naga issue.

The talks resumed in the national capital nearly after two months.

While Centre’s interlocutor for Naga peace talks and Nagaland governor R.N. Ravi led the Centre in the Thursday’s talks, the NSCN (IM) side was led by its general secretary and chief negotiator Th. Muivah.

NSCN-IM chairman Q. Tuccu was also present.

Reports said both the parties failed to break the impasse over the two demands even after several hours of discourse on Thursday.

Both the Centre and the NSCN (IM) maintained their respective stand regarding the latter’s demand for separate Naga national flag and constitution and the talks remained inconclusive.

The NSCN (IM) also reportedly asked the Centre to explain the meaning of “inclusiveness” in the talks when both sides meet again for next round of discussion.

Ravi also held a closed-door discussion with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi on Thursday.

While there was no official word on what transpired during the meeting, it was presumed that the peace broker on the Naga issue may have discussed about the demands of the NSCN (IM) with the PM.

During the talks in Delhi on August 22, the NSCN (IM) leadership accused Centre’s interlocutor for Naga peace talks and Nagaland governor RN Ravi of being “capricious” and “bossy” and returned to Nagaland.

The NSCN-IM leadership spent the last two months at its headquarters Camp Hebron, around 45km from here, and held a series of consultations with Naga civil society organisations before going to Delhi on October 3 to resume the talks.

In an interview with a regional news channel at Camp Hebron last month, Muivah said no peace accord would be signed if Delhi does not agree to a separate Naga flag and constitution.

“The sovereignty of the Naga people cannot be questioned as far as peace talks are concerned and the demand for Naga flag and constitution cannot be denied,” he had said.

He had said since the history of the Nagas was unique, the solution to the Naga issue had to be unique too.

“When we say this, they say you are too tough. I am not tough. Nagas are not lost people. We have our history. They have to realise that. The Nagas were neither under Indians nor under anyone. Our sovereignty lies with us,” he added.

The chief negotiator of the Naga peace talks claimed that Delhi officially acknowledged that the Nagas had a unique history and rights.

On February 28, Ravi said that “differing positions” on the demand for separate Naga flag and constitution has delayed signing of the final agreement.

Speaking at a public meeting in Kohima in August, Ravi had said the Prime Minister wanted resolution of Naga problem within three months.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]