Hindi lessons being imparted at University of Yangon. Image credit: Twitter

Crossing over the international barriers, Hindi has penetrated in to the curriculum of University of Yangon‘s Foreign Language Division.

This was tweeted by the Indian Embassy in Myanmar on Tuesday.

“Hindi classes inaugurated at Yangon University || The much-awaited Hindi language teaching at the University of Yangon (Foreign Language Division) was formally started today and the students taught enthusiastically in this first class,” the tweet read.

In a separate development, the Indian government has agreed to fund the construction of a vocational school in Ann township in Rakhine State.

“Nandan Singh Bhaisora, Indian consul general, announced the project during a meeting at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (Assembly of the Union) in Nay Pyi Taw and the government is seeking land for the school,” said U Mya Than, deputy chair of the state parliament.

It was also agreed that the proposed school would be built on 30 acres on the Minbu-Sittwe road in Ann.

“India is helping in the construction of hundreds of houses in Rakhine and has offered to provide more assistance to the state,” reported The Myanmar Times quoting U Ko Ko Naing, director of the Disaster Management Department.