Legendary filmmaker Aribam Shyam Sharma
File image of filmmaker Aribam Shyam Sharma.

The Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2019, which will commence in Japan’s northern city Yamagata from October 10 to 17, will feature 16 documentaries from Northeast.

The documentary films will be screened under a special section-“Rustle of Spring, Whiff of Gunpower: Documentaries from Northeast India,” a statement said.

The programme has been set by the Festival authority in collaboration with the Sasakawa Peace Foundation as a part of their ongoing initiative entitled: Preserving and Sharing the Histories and Memories of Northeast India, Film Society of Manipur said in statement on Tuesday.

The Sasakawa Peace Foundation has invited legendary filmmaker Aribam Syam Sharma and young filmmaker Haobam Paban Kumar from Manipur to attend the festival and deliver talks in the post-screening events.

The films from Manipur are Aribam Syam Sharma’s Orchids of Manipur, Yelhou Jagoi:The Dances of Lai Haraoba, The Monpas of Arunachal Pradesh, Haobam Paban Kumar’s Phum-Shang and Oinam Doren’s Songs of Mashangva.

Other films are Pinky Brahma Choudhury’s An Autumn Fable, Mukul Haloi’s Tales from Our Childhood, Gautam Bora’s Old Man River, Subasri Krishnan’s What the Fields Remember, Altaf Mazid’s The Broken Song, Sanjay Kak’s In the Forest Hangs a Bridge, Prem Vaida’s New Rhythms in Nagaland, Nepoleon Thanga’s MNF: The Mizo Uprising, Moji Riba’s Prayers for New Gods, Tarun Bhartiya’s When the Hens Crow and Not Allowed, The Monpas of Arunachal Pradesh;

There will be a symposium on ‘Documentaries from Northeast India / When Margins Becomes the Centre’   to be participated by Pinky Brahma Choudhury, Haobam Paban Kumar and Moji Riba and moderated by Tarun Bhartiya, besides opening a Northeast India Audio-Visual Archive under the department of mass communication, St Anthony’s College, Shillong.