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Sikkim Governor Ganga Prasad on Sunday conferred Governor’s Medal to 32 outstanding NCC cadets representing the State at various national and state-level events.

A special function held at Ashirvad Bhavan in Gangtok.

The cadets include those who had performed exceptionally well in various training activities like shooting competition, trekking, sailing, Republic Day parade and other national level camps over the last one year.

This was informed in a press release issued from Raj Bhawan.

State education and sports minister Kunga Nima Lepcha, education additional chief secretary G P Upadhyaya, additional chief secretary to Governor, Dr K Jayakumar, Black Cat deputy GOC Brig Harshvardhan, NCC Darjeeling district group officer commanding Col P B Acharya, commanding officers of all three NCC battalions in Sikkim, officials of education department, principals, teachers, and NCC cadets were present on the occasion.

It was the third edition of Governor’s medal ceremony held in the State, the first being in 2017.

Earlier, the cadets were awarded medals by Governor of West Bengal.

A total of 20 gold, six silver and six bronze medals were conferred to the cadets.

The education minister, in his brief address to the cadets, shared his experience of his association with National Cadet Corps during his school days and credited his success to the organization.

He also encouraged more students from Sikkim to join NCC to excel in their chosen field in the life ahead.

The Governor, during his address underlined the significance of NCC, now the world’s largest uniformed youth organization, in preparing the students and youth for future challenges and responsibilities that they have to shoulder.

He stated that NCC provides the platform for youth to hone their leadership skills, prepare them mentally and physically to join armed forces and inculcate the ideals of patriotism and nation first, turning them better and responsible citizen of the country.

The Governor also declared that any NCC cadet from Sikkim getting commissioned as officer into Armed Forces henceforth will receive special felicitation and a cash award of Rs one lakh.

This is a kind of special gesture towards encouraging the students to join NCC and subsequently into Armed Forces.

The Governor also extended good wishes to all awardees for their bright and successful future ahead.