The Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly here is all set to go “paperless” in a few months time as part of the ambitious e-Vidhan project.

E-Vidhan is a Mission Mode Project to digitize and make the functioning of State legislatures paperless.

This is part of Digital India programme and the ministry of parliamentary affairs is the nodal ministry of the project.

The project, once implemented, would see the decade-old system of sending out written replies and notifications, preparing reports, bills and copies of documents on paper for the members of the house become a thing of the past.

In order to make this development happen fast and effectively, State assembly speaker Pasang Dorjee Sona on Thursday held a meeting with the Assembly’s officials and officers and took a review of the e-Vidhan project.

Once the e-Vidhan project is implemented, each and every information in regards to the legislative assembly will be available at the finger tips of the members who can then use their smart phones/tablets/laptops etc see the list of business and read questions and other documents pertaining to house proceedings.

Addressing the meeting, Sona asked the officers and all concerned to ensure that the project is completed within given time frame.

“Ensure there are no lapses from our side while implementing the project,” the Speaker told the officers while assuring them to extend all possible assistance from his side.

Deputy speaker Tesam Pongte also asked the officers to go the extra mile to complete the project within the given time frame and make sure that the next assembly session is conducted in the e-Vidhan platform.

Among others, the meeting was also attended by secretary M Lasa and other officers and officials of the Legislative Assembly.

Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]